Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Broken Promises

What is promise?
based on oxford dictionary..
a declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen.

understand with that meaning?

many people make promises..
its easy to make promises 
"I promise to give you a car"
 "I promise to love you until the end of my life"
"I promise to bring you to holiday"

easy right? BUT...
how many of us have broken promises?
how many time we broken promises?
1?2?3? ask ourself...

there are one story about broken promises.
one girl love a boy very much
the boy love the girl too
but..the boy have to further study at oversea
the girl so sad.
he make promise

"if you love me,if you want to be a special one in my life,
you have to wait me for about one year. you may not text me,
call me or chat with me between this period."
the girl says, "ok.I agree."
she wait for the boy almost seven months
unfortunately,she is disappointed 
the boy have broken the promise

the end..

there are many stories.
some parents promise to give their children what they want.
but a few of them have broken promises.
this usually happen in our daily life.
however, parent should explain to their children
children will not understand a situation or problem
that faced by their parents.
parent will not intentionally broken the promises.
they have reasons.
so..people out there or read this..
please do not easily make promises
be careful and think wisely..

#hihi..watched tv yesterday.nice topic to be discussed.tq for reading

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