Sunday, June 17, 2012

wira ku :)

Selamat hari bapa! ^_^

bapa adalah wira dalam keluarga..
pemimpin yang berkaliber..
penyabar orangnya..
melayan kerenah anak tak kira masa..
sanggup bersusah payah demi bahagia..
terima kasih bapa

Saya sayang bapa saya!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

can I be like her? ^_^

when talk about mother..
what would you say about her?
"I love my mother!"
"I have the best mother!"
hope you give the best word for your mother..
mother sacrificed a lot for her children..
what mother do for you?
what is the responsibility of the mother?

as a second leader..
good listener..
best teacher..
nice doctor..
kind adviser..
great supporter..
and many more.. :)

now..what we do for our mother?
and do it..

Who is she??

Who should i take good care of
Giving all my love?
Who should i think the most of after Allah and Rasulullah?
Comes your mother,
Who next? Your mother,
Who next? Your mother,
And then your father

(your mother by yusuf islam)


Thank you Allah for my mother
I have the best mother
Happy Mother's Day!

love mother as she love us
do not hurt your mother
hug your mother as much as possible
kiss her cheek and forehead
make your mother smile everyday
heaven under mothers feet :D
May Allah bless all mothers

Monday, April 30, 2012


Alhamdulillah... menjelang 1 Mei..semua pekerja gembira..
sebab cuti!! huhu..
tapi ada yang bekerja..kalau semua orang cuti..
apa jadi??
Selamat Hari Pekerja kepada semua..
tak kira la kerja apa..pangkat apa..
yang penting halal... :)
lagi-lagi yang dah berumahtangga
mesti bagi nafkah dan rezeki yang halal pada keluarga

"Sebaik-baik nafkah adalah nafkah pekerja yang halal." 
 Hadis Riwayat Ahmad

semoga semua pekerja dapat menjalankan tanggungjawab
dengan baik..rajin bekerja..ikhlas bekerja..
niat mesti betul.. kerja kerana Allah..bukan kerana nak kaya
bila hari pekerja,semua nak cuti..
tapi pekerjaan kita yang wajib ditunaikan jangan dilupa
huhu.. sekadar peringatan buat diri saya dan rakan-rakan..
fikir-fikirkan :)

"Sesungguhnya Allah suka melihat hambaNya bersusah payah
 dalam mencari rezeki yang halal"
 Hadis Riwayat Dailami

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

wirid in the morning

there are too many wirid that can be read..
but this is simple wirid to remember and read in the morning
read three times..
insyaAllah you are protected throughout the day
until the next day..

"Dengan nama Allah, tidak ada sesuatupun
 baik di bumi mahupun di langit yang boleh menimbulkan mudharat.
 Dialah Tuhan Yang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui"


Sunday, April 22, 2012

pernah tunjuk gigi ke tak?

anda semua pernah tunjuk gigi?
ke tak pernah?
bukan nak cerita pasal gigi
tapi.......nak cerita pasal senyum :)
macam dalam lagu senyum (malique feat najwa)
" Kacak luar
kacak dalam
kacak dengar sini
kalau saya senyum
awak mesti senyum skali
kalau kita senyum
semua orang berjangkit
bila semua orang senyum
dunia tiada penyakit "

pernah senyum? nampak gigi ke x?hahaha
macam ni ke?

bagaimana anda senyum?
adakah anda sedang tersenyum?

Hadis Riwayat Tirmidzi,Ibnu Hibban & Baihaqi
"tersenyum ketika bertemu saudaramu adalah ibadah"

semua orang kena senyum..takkan nak masam muka
tak ceria la hidup..
senyum itu sedekah
senyum itu ibadah
senyum itu tak susah
senyum la..

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Hari-hari ada ja soalan yang ditanya
apa salahnya kan?
malu bertanya sesat jalan
betul tak kawan-kawan?

apa yang nak diceritakan ya..
baru ingat..
mentang-mentang baru kerja, macam-macam cerita
yang ingin dicoretkan dalam blog ni.
kerja apa?
mestila kerja di kedai makan.
asyik-asyik cerita pasal makanan dan minuman
bukan apa..
sekadar perkongsian

bergendang pulak perut ni..tandanya...
:O lapar...ok.ok. bukan nak cerita pasal lapar.
tapi pasal makanan

al kisah bermula..... cewah :p
pernahkah anda makan atau minum :
1) milo letak asam boy
2) milo + kopi
3) coke asam boi
4) halia 'o' suam
5) roti benjo campur milo
6) roti bakar + jem strawberi + kaya + kacang

ada siapa-siapa pernah cuba?
sedap ke? kalau sedap bagi tahu..
pelbagai makanan dan minuman yang ada kat Malaysia ni..
Air teh je dah macam-macam jenis.
contoh : teh 'o'(panas/sejuk)...teh susu (panas/sejuk)
             teh limau (panas/sejuk)...tesi (panas/sejuk)
             teh 'o' + laici (panas/sejuk)...teh halia (panas/sejuk)

banyak kan? belum lagi air kopi,milo dan lain-lain
apapun Alhamdulillah..kita patut bersyukur
dapat makan dan minum pelbagai jenis makanan dan minuman
nak dibandingkan masyarakat di somalia..
mmmm.. fikir-fikirkan

*jaga pemakanan anda (3KM)
  kurang manis
  kurang masin
  kurang minyak

Pelik..tapi benar

" dik,nescafe pokemon satu "

" dik, bagi teh lambung ye.. "

" dik, nak air suam kurang manis "

" dik, roti panggang ada? "

pelik kan..tapi ada minuman dan makanan macam tu

tak percaya?? cuba pergi kedai makan, cuba 'order' minuman dan makanan seperti di atas.
agak-agak la..orang kedai tu bagi apa.
bagi soalan? (dia tanya kita balik sebab tak faham)
bagi makanan dan minuman yang salah?
bagi cawan dan pinggan kosong?
bagi penampar?

kepada bos atau pekerja kedai makan,jangan la marah
kalau ada pelanggan yang 'order' bukan-bukan. jawab baik-baik.
kadang-kadang mereka tak reti nak terangkan apa yang mereka nak makan
kadang-kadang mereka saja nak gurau

seronok juga ada pelanggan macam tu
banyak orang banyak ragam
baru ceria :)

Apa yang entek??

" Nescafe ais satu! "
" Entek "

Terpinga-pinga.. macam pernahku dengar ya..
tapi di mana..?
dengan selamba bertanya
" akak..entek tu apa? "
" entek tu habis la "
oooo................... o_o

perkataan pertama yang dipelajari semasa kerja.
dulu tak nak belajar bahasa indonesia
sekarang kan dah susah.

dari dulu sampai sekarang, tahu kira 1-10

#maaf kalau ada salah..sila betulkan.. :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

true friend ^_^

"Friendship is like a golden thread
 that binds two hearts
 A feeling that keep growing
 even when we are far apart
 No matter where we are
 I want you to know
 you are a friend I feel
 always close to.."

did you remember?

thanks for being my true friend
thanks for making me happy
smile.. :D
always show this

hahahaha... sede ko?

don't know what to say..
I hope that our friendship last forever
take care my friend
may Allah bless you


Do you have phobia?
what is phobia?
an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something
-oxford dictionary-










How to overcome?
face the fear...
everything is ok..
don't be afraid
believe in yourself
pray to Allah..Allah will help you
be strong and good luck :)

Broken Promises

What is promise?
based on oxford dictionary..
a declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen.

understand with that meaning?

many people make promises..
its easy to make promises 
"I promise to give you a car"
 "I promise to love you until the end of my life"
"I promise to bring you to holiday"

easy right? BUT...
how many of us have broken promises?
how many time we broken promises?
1?2?3? ask ourself...

there are one story about broken promises.
one girl love a boy very much
the boy love the girl too
but..the boy have to further study at oversea
the girl so sad.
he make promise

"if you love me,if you want to be a special one in my life,
you have to wait me for about one year. you may not text me,
call me or chat with me between this period."
the girl says, "ok.I agree."
she wait for the boy almost seven months
unfortunately,she is disappointed 
the boy have broken the promise

the end..

there are many stories.
some parents promise to give their children what they want.
but a few of them have broken promises.
this usually happen in our daily life.
however, parent should explain to their children
children will not understand a situation or problem
that faced by their parents.
parent will not intentionally broken the promises.
they have reasons.
so..people out there or read this..
please do not easily make promises
be careful and think wisely..

#hihi..watched tv yesterday.nice topic to be discussed.tq for reading

Thursday, March 29, 2012

New but still same

Everything is new.. right?
mmm.. not actually
just new day,new environment
its my home! at home
my lovely family
my little turtles (big actually.. :p )
little three kittens (putih,kuning & kelabu..easy to remember right? hahaha)
I experienced this before
so..still the same
I need time to adapt

I miss my friends
miss my roomate!
miss my housemates
miss my lecturers
miss UiTM Kuala Pilah



Sunday, March 25, 2012


Langkah bermula..
satu per satu
 mencari arah tuju
 meredah onak duri
sehingga bertemu
 apa yang dicari
alam semulajadi..

# Subhanallah..indahnya ciptaan Allah
Alhamdulillah..bersyukur kerana dapat melihat
kehijauan, unggas berterbangan
dapat mendengar deras air sungai, burung berkicauan
dapat mnenyentuh pokok,kayu dan dedaun
dapat rasa kedamaian dan ketenangan


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

LoVe does not necessarily have

What is love?
Where is love?
Who do you love?
When you fall in love?
How do you feel love?

ask yourself :)

Love is wonderful
Love is fun
Love is blind
Love is painful
is it true?

When i was in primary school, my friend said...

C = cinta
I  = itu
N = nikmat
T = tapi
A = awas!

Don't be sad. You are not alone

Love Allah
Love Rasulullah
Love Islam
Love family
Love yourself

"Walau seremuk mana hati dilukai
bentuklah ia semula
serahkannya pada Ilahi"

*bila sebut pasal cinta,pasti ada yang berduka..

Left handed

In examination hall

Everybody focus in writing their answer
The invigilators walking from the back to the front

no idea..what to do..
Just see people in front of me
don't give up!
I don't want this paper blank without words 

Take a deep breath
'Hasbunallah wa ni'mal wakil'
say it several times
I see left handed student in front of me

I know the answer!

when the time has come
One of the invigilator says
"please stop writing and tie up
your objective answer with answer booklet"

when the left handed student look back to talk with his friend
I smile at him

*when you don't have idea in answering examination paper
just relax and think.everything gonna be ok!
most important,DON'T give up. :p

Friday, March 9, 2012

I'm Back...

Assalamualaikum.. Salam sejahtera..

Finally I found my blog.. hahahaha
I miss my blog..! a lot of ideas to be posted
but I'm busy with my semester..

This semester is very 'exciting' ..
tough and make me stress..
However, I try my best to handle it..
Thanks to Allah.. Allah Maha Mengetahui..

Allah never promise that life would be easy
but He did promised to go with us in every step..

Now I'm preparing for examination..
Study,, play..
Good luck to all my friends especially part 6 Diploma In Science
Let's fight until the last paper! hihi